Generating Diagrams with with AI / LLMs

The two tools I use with AI / LLMs for generating diagrams are Mermaid and Excalidraw. Mermaid (or MermaidJS) is a popular diagramming library and format supported by many tools and is often rendered inside markdown (e.g. in a Excalidraw is an excellent, free and open source diagramming and visualisation tool. I also often make use of a third party Obsidian plugin for Excalidraw. Excalidraw It has a ‘generate diagram with AI’ feature which if you’re using the online editor offers a few free generations each day (I think this uses a low-end OpenAI model). If you’re running Excalidraw locally or by using the brilliant Obsidian plugin - you can provide any OpenAI compatible API endpoint and model for AI generations. Behind the scenes Excalidraw AI generates and then renders MermaidJS. ...

October 8, 2024 · Sam McLeod