Near the end of every year I note down a summary of the best apps, hardware & podcasts I’ve enjoyed throughout the year (and often for some time before).

This post has been superseded. You can find the latest version of this post here.

Software and Services

Software - Mobile

Browser Addons



YouTube Channels

The Absolute Worst Software I’ve Experienced

  • πŸ’© Microsoft Office365 πŸ’©
  • πŸ’© Microsoft Teams πŸ’©
  • πŸ’© Atlassian Jira πŸ’©
  • πŸ’© Atlassian Bamboo πŸ’©
  • πŸ’© Atlassian Confluence πŸ’©
  • πŸ’© McAffee Endpoint Security πŸ’©
  • πŸ’© Facebook πŸ’©