
Mirroring a Gitlab project to Github


Let’s pretend you have a project on Gitlab called ask-izzy and you want to mirror it up to Gitlab which is located at

Assuming you’re running Gitlab as the default user of git and that your repositories are stored in /mnt/repositories you can following something similar to the following instructions:

  1. Grant write access to Github

Get your Gitlab install’s pubkey from the git user

cat /home/git/.ssh/

On Github add this pubkey as deploy key on the repo, make sure you tick the option to allow write access.

  1. Add a post-receive hook to the Gitlab project
mkdir /mnt/repositories/developers/ask-izzy.git/custom_hooks/
echo "exec git push --quiet github &" > \
chown -R git:git /mnt/repositories/developers/ask-izzy.git/custom_hooks
chmod +x /mnt/repositories/developers/ask-izzy.git/custom_hooks/post-receive
  1. Add Github as a remote to the Gitlab project
cd /mnt/repositories/developers/ask-izzy.git
vi config

and add in the Github remote:

[remote "github"]
  url = [email protected]:ask-izzy/ask-izzy.git
  fetch = +refs/*:refs/*
  mirror = true

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